LifeVac Canada is overjoyed to report that a 2-year-old boy, located in British Columbia, Canada, was rescued by LifeVac! This is the 1497th life saved by LifeVac! The child choked on an ice cube causing a total obstruction. This is is the father's testimonial. "LifeVac definitely saved my child's life… I work in health & [...]
In the media! Today we share LifeVac Founder, Arthur Lih's interview on Midday Maryland. Please watch and share this interview. Together we can help spread awareness about LIfeVac's mission to end choking tragedies and the incredible offer to donate a free unit to every school. Watch the piece here:
LifeVac Canada pleased to report that a 3 year child in Yellowknife, NWT was saved when she choked while eating meat. The LifeVac was used 2 times and the obstruction was dislodged. LifeVac has now saved hundreds of children and adults during choking emergencies. An Ohio police officer saved a 2-year-old choking toddler using a LifeVac device. Bodycam video showed a police officer rushing to a family’s home and retrieving a portable airway-clearing device from the trunk of his car before helping the child. The officer utilized the device and was successfully able to remove a 2-inch-long toy [...]
We are thrilled to be featured on Inside Edition. Watch as an Ohio police officer rushed to save a choking toddler. Before helping the child, the officer retrieved a portable airway-clearing device from the trunk of his car. After assembling the device, the officer placed it over the toddler's mouth and successfully removed the toy [...]
Today is a day for all of us to celebrate. We received an special God wink today! LifeVac saved 1000 lives and then broke that amazing milestone all in one day. We saved a 93-year-old woman in the UK. She was the 1000th life! We saved a 1-year-old boy in the US. He was the [...]
LifeVac is honored to have been chosen as the winner for 2023's favorite inventions on Henry Ford's Innovation Nation with Mo Rocca. Watch LifeVac's interview on Henry Ford's Innovation Nation here:
In the News! Here is the NewsMax interview with LifeVac Founder, Arthur Lih on the National Report. We are proud to share that on Choking Awareness Day there were (5) reported lives saved. Watch the piece here:
LifeVac is honored to share the story of our 525th life saved. A 15-year-old boy with special needs choked on a grilled cheese sandwich while in school. The sandwich had thick cheese and partially obstructed his airway. BLS protocol was initiated, and the Heimlich maneuver was performed. The Heimlich was not working, and the LifeVac [...]
LifeVac is proud to share the story of our 523rd saved life. A 13-year-old boy was saved by LifeVac after choking on a piece of a Hamburger. According to his mother, he has multiple medical issues and a small trachea, requiring a lot of supervision and care. Despite the hamburger being cut into small pieces, [...]