Author Archives: lifevac

8-Year-Old Saved With LifeVac – #227

LifeVac announces our 227th life saved. It was reported to us that on December 5th an 8-year-old girl began choking on a piece of chicken. The chicken caused a partial blockage of her airway. The Heimlich was performed but was unsuccessful.  LifeVac was used in a standing position 3 times and removed the obstruction. “Dislodged and [...]

LifeVac Saves 11-Year-Old Girl with Epilepsy – #224

LifeVac announces our 224th life saved. An 11-year-old girl with Epilepsy suffered a partial obstruction when eating a hot dog. The LifeVac was used one time removing the hot dog from the child’s airway. Here is the mom’s testimonial: She is tube-fed due to swallowing issues. She had gotten into her sister’s food without our [...]

LifeVac Saves 4-Year-Old Boy – #223

LifeVac registers its 223rd life saved. It has been reported to us that on December 8th a 4-year-old little boy choked on corn.  Choking rescue procedures were carried out but failed to dislodge the obstruction.  The child was in a sitting position when LifeVac was utilized.  On the second place, push, pull motion, LifeVac successfully [...]

6-Year-Old Boy Chokes on Breakfast Sausage – #221

LifeVac is delighted to share news of our 221st life saved. A South Carolina family was having breakfast at a friend’s house when their 6-year-old son started choking on a piece of sausage.  They immediately started performing the Heimlich and back blows but neither procedures were able to dislodge the obstruction.  The child’s lips were [...]

LifeVac Saves Boy Who Choked at Thanksgiving Dinner – #220

LifeVac is happy to announce our 220th life saved. LifeVac is happy to announce our 220th life saved.  On Thanksgiving day it was reported to us that a 6-year-old boy from Massachusetts choked on a piece of turkey.  The child had a seizure and started choking on the turkey causing an airway obstruction.  The LifeVac [...]

Mom Saves Daughter with LifeVac Choking Rescue Device – #219

LifeVac is thrilled to announce our 219th life saved. A mom shares the frightening story of her 3-year-old daughter choking on a coin. We are so thankful she is okay! Mom’s testimonial:“I get home from cleaning this morning and Harper decides to put a penny in her mouth.. accidentally gets it lodged in her throat. [...]