Author Archives: lifevac

6-Year-Old Boy Chokes on Breakfast Sausage – #221

LifeVac is delighted to share news of our 221st life saved. A South Carolina family was having breakfast at a friend’s house when their 6-year-old son started choking on a piece of sausage.  They immediately started performing the Heimlich and back blows but neither procedures were able to dislodge the obstruction.  The child’s lips were [...]

LifeVac Saves Boy Who Choked at Thanksgiving Dinner – #220

LifeVac is happy to announce our 220th life saved. LifeVac is happy to announce our 220th life saved.  On Thanksgiving day it was reported to us that a 6-year-old boy from Massachusetts choked on a piece of turkey.  The child had a seizure and started choking on the turkey causing an airway obstruction.  The LifeVac [...]

Mom Saves Daughter with LifeVac Choking Rescue Device – #219

LifeVac is thrilled to announce our 219th life saved. A mom shares the frightening story of her 3-year-old daughter choking on a coin. We are so thankful she is okay! Mom’s testimonial:“I get home from cleaning this morning and Harper decides to put a penny in her mouth.. accidentally gets it lodged in her throat. [...]

LifeVac Saves Another Life in UK Care Home – #218

We have been informed by LifeVac Europe that LifeVac has helped save another life within the UK care sector. This time we helped save another life within the UK’s largest care and nursing home provider, HC-One. An elderly female resident was enjoying her dinner when she came into difficulty whilst eating. Food had become lodged in her [...]

LifeVac Saves 53-Year-Old Disabled Woman – #215

LifeVac is delighted to announce our 215th life saved. LifeVac Saves Life in Ivass Manises Care Home, Spain It has been reported to us by our distributor LifeVac Spain that LifeVac helped save the life of a 53-year-old female in a choking emergency. The 53-year-old female, who has learning disabilities resides in an IVASS Care [...]

73-Year-Old Woman Saved With LifeVac – #214

LIfeVac is excited to announce our 214th life saved.  A 73-year-old woman was eating soft cheese when she began choking causing partial airway obstruction. The patient was unable to cough and was turning grey in color.  The Heimlich maneuver was performed for several minutes without any success.  LifeVac was then utilized clearing the patient’s airway [...]

2-Year-Old Saved with LifeVac After Choking on Strawberries – #213

LifeVac is proud to share news of our 213th life saved.  We have received news from our partners in Australia that another child has been saved.  A precious 2-year-old was saved in New Zealand when the child choked on cut-up strawberries and soft cheese causing a total blockage. LifeVac was used one time dislodging the [...]