Life Saved #2655

On August 10th, 2024, a 1-year-old girl choked on pizza resulting in a total obstruction. Protocol was followed but was unsuccessful leaving the child unconscious. LifeVac removed the obstruction on its second use. The child’s mother describes the incident as follows:

“This was an unfortunate incident. My daughter has Covid so she was already weak. I was eating pizza and thought she might like a very small bite. It’s pretty much a blur after that. She became stoned faced with no cries or movements. My husband immediately went into action and said she was choking. He started a version of CPR that we learned 7 years ago. It wasn’t working and she was lifeless and turning blue. I was trying to call 911 and remembered we had LifeVac in our closet. I took it out and threw it down. He grabbed it and put it up to her face. The first time he accidentally used it without the attachment but then the second time put the face attachment on. She swallowed whatever was lodged and started to breathe again. It absolutely saved us. The ambulance took a half hour or more. Had we not used LifeVac this could have easily been a death. She was lifeless for about 15 minutes before help arrived. I am extremely grateful we had the LifeVac. I plan to buy them and give them as gifts. Everyone should get one for free when leaving the hospital with a newborn. They should be at schools and restaurants.”

Tina B.