Author Archives: lifevac

LifeVac Registers 73rd Life Saved

LifeVac received news that a resident at Carlton Senior Living facility was saved using a LifeVac device. Below is the testimonial:June,  a staff member at Carlton Senior Living describes the choking incident:“Last night during dinner staff noticed that a male resident was choking and began to turn purple. A staff member began the Heimlich maneuver […]

LifeVac Saves the Life of 2 Year Old Girl – 71st Save

All of us at LifeVac are thrilled to hear about another young life saved from choking. Read about the event below. Testimonial from the child’s mother: “First let me start by saying that my beautiful, smart, and full of life 2-year-old daughter would not be with me today without LifeVac. Eva was sitting next to […]

LifeVac Saves 69th and 70th Life in the Netherlands

We have been informed that LifeVac was used in an elder care facility in the Netherlands to save two separate people from choking to death when BLS had failed. We look forward to sharing more information soon. Matt Banagan, Director of LifeVac Europe shares: “LifeVac Europe took on LifeVac Benelux as a distributor following the 2019 ERC […]

LifeVac Saves 68th Life

LifeVac Europe was informed one of our devices was used within Hallmark Care Homes during mealtime. A resident began to choke during mealtime while sitting in her chair and could not breathe. Staff acted very quickly to the situation delivering BLS protocol which unfortunately failed to clear the resident’s airway. LifeVac was then deployed within […]

LifeVac Registers 66th Life Saved!

ifeVac is thrilled to announce another precious life saved using the choking first aid LifeVac. Below is the mother’s account of the incident. Mom’s testimonial:We bought the LifeVac a couple a months ago after we had a traumatic choking experience with our then 22 month old son. He choked on a chicken nugget and we were scared […]

65th Life Saved by LifeVac – Choking First Aid!

LifeVac received this 65th saved life report from another parent.We are so thankful that they had a LifeVac Home Kit. July 5th Had the absolute scariest moment of my life tonight.Presley choked on a hair clip. After multiple back blows didn’t work, I am thanking God that we have a Life Vac. Friends with babies and toddlers, […]