Monthly Archives: May 2024

Life Saved #2167

n May 5th, 2024, a 2-year-old boy choked on a fruit snack resulting in a partial obstruction. Protocol was followed but was unsuccessful. LifeVac removed the obstruction on its second use. His mother describes the incident as follows: “He started to gag and then started crying; I thought that meant his airway was clear, but [...]

Life Saved #2025

On April 7th, 2024, a 2-year-old boy choked on cereal, resulting in a total obstruction. Protocol was followed but was unsuccessful. LifeVac removed the obstruction on its second use. His mother describes the incident as follows:  “We did not see the piece come out, but he started coughing after using the LifeVac, which he wasn’t [...]

Life Saved #2037

On April 10th, 2024, a 2-year-old boy choked on a metal shelf bracket resulting in a partial, then total, obstruction.  Back blows were performed but were unsuccessful. LifeVac successfully removed the obstruction in the first application. Here is his grandfather’s story: “We’re his grandparents and were watching him for our daughter who is a nurse practitioner. [...]

Life Saved #2028

Life Saved #2028 On March 30, 2024, a 3-year-old little boy choked on a Pizza luncheable causing a total obstruction. The child’s mother performed both back blows and abdominal thrusts but was unsuccessful in dislodging the food. LifeVac successfully removed the obstruction in the first application. Here is the mom’s story: “My son choked on [...]

Life Saved #2019

On February 27, 2024, a 1 year old girl choked on a hair tie causing a total blockage. Choking rescue procedures were performed but failed to dislodge the object. LifeVac was utilized and in the second attempt successfully removed the object from the child’s airway. Here is the mom’s story: “Face turning red, coughing, refused [...]