3-Year-Old Girl Saved from Choking with LifeVac – #266

LifeVac is proud to announce our 266th life saved

On January 18th we received news that a 3-year-old little girl choked on granola.  Choking rescue procedures were performed but were unsuccessful in removing the blockage.

3 Year Old Saved with LifeVac

Here is the mother’s testimonial:

“She was choking on the granola, her lips were blue. I tried back blows and Heimlich with no success. So I got out the LifeVac and put her flat on the counter. I did 3 push and pulls, I’m not sure if I created a tight enough seal because I didn’t see the granola come out of her mouth but her chest X-ray was clear so she must have swallowed it. Her color didn’t return to normal until I used the LifeVac and so I’m thankful we had it.”


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